Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Unqualified Barbarism

My current event post this week will be about Marie Dedieu. The sixty-six year old woman was kidnapped from her beach front home in Kenya on October 1st. She was staying there with her boyfriend John Lepapa. She was handicapped and suffered from cancer as well as heart disease. Because of her condition, Dedieu was required to take medication for her ailments daily. When she was taken from her beach front home, she was deprived of the necessary medication she needed to live.

The French government was able to contact al-Shabab, the armed gang that abducted Marie Dedieu. The government tried to reason with the group and sent the medication that Dedieu needed to live. However, the government's contact with al-Shabab reported that she had died. The French feel that the only possible answer as to how she died was because she was not given her medication.

"'My girlfriend pleaded with them and told them to take whatever they wanted from the house, including the money and to spare her life," said Lepapa. "But they would not listen.'"

The French government has characterized the treatment of Dedieu under the care of her kidnappers as unqualified barbarism. This incident has caused Kenya's tourism industry to go down, as tourists feel insecure because of the kidnapping of Marie Dedieu.

[RE] Blocking the Past

"They say you should learn from your mistakes but for my younger brothers and sisters, they have to learn from their mistake and mine so they wont make the same ones I made."

This quote is from Zubair's post. I can really relate to how he doesn't want his younger siblings to make the same mistakes that he made. However, in my case, I don't want my younger brother to have to experience all the things that I have had to deal with these past three years. So it is a little bit different from how Zubair is feeling, but you'll have to bear with me.

My younger brother has seen me in so much pain because of all of the drama I've had to go through during high school. I know that just that alone had made him so scared of going into high school after he graduated from eighth grade, and I really felt bad about it. Granted, being picked on by a middle-aged woman for the past three years made me a stronger person and made me grow up fast, but I don't think that anyone should have to experience that kind of thing as a high schooler. My family was there for me through all of it, especially my brother. Thats why I think that it's great that he was able to settle down and begin to enjoy high school, but what I am really scared about is what he may or may not experience in his later years. Basically, I wish I could block the past, my past, from haunting him...

I know that I may not always be the best sister ever, but I still want to look out for my younger brother. You know that feeling that the older sibling gets when their younger brother/sister gets picked on by other people? It's like we feel like it should only be us allowed to mess with them. I don't actually know if that made sense or not but it did in my head. Anyways, I just really really hope that he isn't put through the same drama that I had to go through.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

[FREE] The Other Side

Today, my mom made me go to a seminar about overcoming fears and boundaries. Surprisingly, it was alot more fun than I could have imagined. We went over topics that everyone encounters throughout life and we also did quite a few activities that demonstrated how we all have a choice. Anyways, my experience today made me realize that most of us are afraid about what other people think about us. But what we don't realize is that so many people are too concerned about how others see them to judge us. We also don't realize how quickly we judge others because we don't always know the other side of the story.

Picture this.

You are on your way to this party that you've been waiting all week for, and your friends call you and ask you to pick up as many cookies as possible because they ran out at the party. They're all waiting for you to get there with the cookies, so you race over to the store on your way to the party. When you get to the store, you're unfamiliar with the aisles and don't know where anything is. You see an employee and you ask her, "can you help me find some cookies? I need some for this party that I'm going to." and she responds with "Find your own cookies. I don't have time for this." Now you're thinking 'How rude! All I asked for was for some help finding cookies!'


What if this same scenario plays out once again, and this time you over hear a conversation between a couple other employees that goes like this:
"I can't believe she showed up for work today."
"I know. The doctors just diagnosed her daughter with cancer. How is she ever going to be able to pay for the treatment with this job?"
It makes you think again doesn't it?

This was only one of the activities that we did today during the seminar, and I feel like this one really hit home. Most of the time, when someone is rude or mean to us, we ask why they want to be like that to us. The world doesn't revolve around a single person, and we never know the full story. There may very well be a reason behind the actions of a person. We all have a choice about who we want to be and how we want to see life. This seminar helped me realize that there's always another side to the story. We may not know this other story, but it's always going to be there. The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift; that is why it's called the present. I think that the present is here for us to choose how we want to see life each and every day. I really feel like I learned alot about getting past the boundary of selfishness. There's alot more that I want to say about what else I got out of the seminar, but it's getting late and I'm exhausted. More on this later...

Friday, October 14, 2011

[ESSAY] The Look

Today, many fashion retail stores have begun hiring people on the basis of appearance rather than skill or experience. The fact that these stores prefer hiring attractive people with little or no job experience makes it difficult for those with working experience to get jobs. Although Marshal Cohen's comment about the retail market is essentially true, it is still morally wrong to deny someone of a job if they have an adequate skill set. Retailers should not rely on an attractive work force to gain the attention of consumers, because it causes customer service to be volatile. Since attractiveness is based on one's preference, hiring people because of their looks can cause discrimination problems against the company.

When a company hires employees, they usually look for someone with the right skills and prior work experience. Hiring by appearances can cause problems for the company if they do not know what they are doing. Even though they can train a new employee with no experience, it is still morally unjust to turn away a person with the right skill set and work experience for someone who simply looks better. Companies can "run into problems of race discrimination, national origin discrimination, gender discrimination, age discrimination, and even disability discrimination"(9) when they hire people for the sole purpose of their looks. In America, these types of discrimination are illegal, and can cause controversy between these companies and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The way that these types of companies hire workers are on the border of the anti-discrimination laws that have been set by  the government. Therefore, it is essentially wrong for companies to hire only attractive people.

Many times, when people walk into a store, they already know what they want to buy or what they are looking for. Personally, when I walk into a store, I either know what I want or I like the merchandise that the stores sell.
Not to say that this is the same for all people, but it stands to reason that it is mainly true. Therefore, because many people feel this way about retail stores, it is not necessary for stores to have to hire only attractive people to work the sales floor.

Inexperienced workers can sometimes affect the quality of customer service. Based on personal experience, I understand that during a rush, inexperienced workers can feel apprehensive about what to do in a situation like that. Many times, worker's training does not prepare one for the actual situation. For my first job, I felt cornered during peak hours; the store got so busy that I just did not know what to do. However, at one point in everyone's life, they all go through the phase of the inexperienced worker. But for high-end retail stores, they should be looking for employees that can deliver great customer service and the skills they were hired for all while maintaining a proper work ethic.

Marshal Cohen's comment about keeping up with the look of fashion retail stores is accurate in that people want to buy clothing that gives them "the look". However, it does not justify the moral problems with hiring people based on attractiveness. Furthermore, the human perception of attractiveness varies with every person. Which is why hiring employees should be weighted equally between experience, skills, work ethic, and very lastly, appearance. That is not to say that companies have the right to hire on the basis of appearance, but if the company has two applicants for a single job, then, as an exception, it may stand to reason that appearance can be a deciding factor.

[FREE] Fictional short story part 2

A week after the anger subsided, I was back to normal...
Or so I thought.

The events that followed that fateful day caused the isolation to die down. But it couldn't fix the clear discrimination against me. Everyone could tell how much those three hated me. All of the people around me knew, but no one was brave enough to fight back. That is, except for me.

Then, just when I started to feel normal again, it happened again. This time, there was only one. This time, it had nothing to do with the scar on my arm. It is so obvious that all three of them hate me, but it feels like this one conveys the message all the time. In my heart, I know that this one is not behind it all...

But I know that I am not the only one who sees how much they all hate me. The other members of my group of friends can see what a scapegoat I am. It is clear as day.

"Even though you're one of the better ones that come out all the time, I think you should be ranked lower." the voice said.

"why?" I respond.

"Because I feel like it would benefit you. It's a good experience to be among the lower ranks." it answered.

"Fine. Whatever you want." I say, knowing fully well that I am able to compete with the higher ranks. I can't even begin to understand why the hell these people feel the need to screw with my emotions all the time. Just because I am seventeen years old does not give them the right to do this. I know it in my heart but there is still, absolutely nothing I can do about it...

To be continued....

[CE] OCCUPY ________ (fill in city)

So recently Mr.Sutherland has been talking about the Occupy Oakland movement going on near by us. Personally, I have not been able to go because I have tennis practice. I would like to go one day to see what it is all about. I mean, I know the basic stuff about it. Like how its mainly to protest discrimination and how the rich barely have any taxes to pay. Damn. Capitalism sucks. Anyways, I would just like to see what it is like there. But then again, sometimes I feel like Oakland can be intimidating when there are so many people around. What if I get lost? (haha)

Anyways, I really feel like capitalism is draining the whole economy. The rich have so much money and the poor have nothing. I feel really bad. The line between the two is so thin that middle class is leaning towards not existing! I think this is something that needs to be changed. In the movie clip we watched in english class today, it showed how the form of capitalism that we have grown to hate so much today was formed. The corporate executives had brought in a ringer to become president (Ronald Reagan) so that they could pass all the laws that would benefit them. These people had no consideration on how it would affect the economy. So now, people are forced to suffer because of the past. Honestly, this needs to be changed. As for how, that is still under question.

Corporate officials hold so much power that it is almost impossible to do anything against them. That is why it is so hard to get anything done. America is practically run by these corporate people. America is NOT a business. It is a country so it should not be run like a business. America has the largest difference in salaries when you compare the salary of a CEO to the salary of a worker. In Japan and Germany, the ratio between company official salaries and worker salaries is about 11 to 1. However, in this country that we call home, the ratio is completely skewed at 475 to 1. It is obvious that something needs to be done about this, but with the way that government is today, it is practically impossible. Money corrupts.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RE] Shark Fins

As a former APES student, I feel that Nathan's feelings towards the banning of shark fin soup in California are a bit ignorant. Governor Brown did the right thing by banning the possession and sale of shark fins in California. Shark finning is a big problem in Asia, and the last thing we need is for this practice to occur off the coast of our own shores. Granted, people in Asia are probably killing more sharks than in the United States, but the finning of sharks needs to be ended.

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When sharks are finned, they have no means of living. The practice of finning sharks is extremely inhumane. When the sharks are caught by fishermen, the fins are cut off of the shark and it is pushed back into the ocean to die. Without being able to swim, these sharks are not able to get the oxygen they need to survive. Imagine if you were put in that position; your arms and legs are cut off and you can't move and are forced to drown...

I am an American born Chinese and have had shark fin soup before, but it isn't the best type of soup that can be made. Shark fin soup is tasteless and many people will agree. Yes, tradition is important, but I feel that ends do not justify the means. In other words, this simple chinese soup is not worth the decimation of the shark population. The total population of sharks around the world has declined by almost 90% because of shark finning.  Furthermore, it is possible to find a substitute for shark fin with something else such as clear vermicelli noodles.

Banning the whole shark is the same as banning only the fins because other than the fins, humans have no use for sharks. The body of a shark consists mainly of cartilege; the fins that are used to make soup are a softer cartilege. This ban should not be considered racist because only the fins are banned. In reality, the whole shark is being banned, but specifically the fins due to the practice of finning sharks.

Shark fins are sought after because of supply and demand. California has two large Chinatown bases: San Francisco and Oakland. Both of these places have a high demand of shark fins for soup, and when shark fins become illegal in California, the demand will lessen. Thus, making a significant dent in the practice of shark finning. It is a small step in the right direction for man kind. If this practice is not ended soon, then sharks may become extinct because of humans which could change the fish population around the world. We, as humans, need to be more responsible about our fishing practices, and shark finning is one of them. If we don't change our ways, our children and our children's children may never know what a shark is.