Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] OCCUPY ________ (fill in city)

So recently Mr.Sutherland has been talking about the Occupy Oakland movement going on near by us. Personally, I have not been able to go because I have tennis practice. I would like to go one day to see what it is all about. I mean, I know the basic stuff about it. Like how its mainly to protest discrimination and how the rich barely have any taxes to pay. Damn. Capitalism sucks. Anyways, I would just like to see what it is like there. But then again, sometimes I feel like Oakland can be intimidating when there are so many people around. What if I get lost? (haha)

Anyways, I really feel like capitalism is draining the whole economy. The rich have so much money and the poor have nothing. I feel really bad. The line between the two is so thin that middle class is leaning towards not existing! I think this is something that needs to be changed. In the movie clip we watched in english class today, it showed how the form of capitalism that we have grown to hate so much today was formed. The corporate executives had brought in a ringer to become president (Ronald Reagan) so that they could pass all the laws that would benefit them. These people had no consideration on how it would affect the economy. So now, people are forced to suffer because of the past. Honestly, this needs to be changed. As for how, that is still under question.

Corporate officials hold so much power that it is almost impossible to do anything against them. That is why it is so hard to get anything done. America is practically run by these corporate people. America is NOT a business. It is a country so it should not be run like a business. America has the largest difference in salaries when you compare the salary of a CEO to the salary of a worker. In Japan and Germany, the ratio between company official salaries and worker salaries is about 11 to 1. However, in this country that we call home, the ratio is completely skewed at 475 to 1. It is obvious that something needs to be done about this, but with the way that government is today, it is practically impossible. Money corrupts.

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