Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] Bottle School

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This video is about a school in the Philippines made almost entirely of recycled plastic two liter bottles. It is a very logical and environmentally friendly approach to using plastic bottles. In AP Environmental Science last year, I learned that there is really no practical use for plastic bottles aside from the use that it is intended for. What they are doing in the Philippines is a very impressive way to use these otherwise useless bottles.

I know that after taking AP Environmental Science, I have been more environmentally conscious. Personally, I feel that the United States should do something with our municipal solid waste other than carelessly tossing it in the trash can. As a world super power, I feel that we should be setting an example of how to reuse items.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, god, those buildings are SO COOL. I agree, just because we're a prosperous nation doesn't mean we shouldn't recycle more. In fact, considering how wasteful we are with our resources, it'd probably be a big improvement.
