Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] No More Jade?

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This video is very interesting, and holds some personal value to my culture. Jade is a precious gem stone to the Chinese Culture. As a child, my grandparents would always give me jade necklaces because they believe it brings good luck and protection. I honestly do not believe in the same superstitions as my grandparents, but I do understand the value that they believe the gem stone has.

Jade is considered a sacred, but common gem stone. The fact that it has become prohibited to mine jade is saddening because many people make a living off of mining for this gem stone. The price of jade jewelry has shot up by alot within the past thirty years. Almost ten thousand times the cost that it was thirty years ago! I really feel that this is a loss for these people because they now must find a new way of living. Now, jade is inspected as if it is diamond because of the new laws that prevent it from being mined.

However, in the environmental aspect of the matter, jade should not be mined anymore because mining destroys the lay of the land. Also, the land that is torn apart through mining can never be repaired. Also, because the supply of jade in West China is running out, it would be best to stop mining for jade so that over time more can form.

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