Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE] The tenth anniversary is coming...

Even though there are already so many postings about the upcoming 9/11 tenth anniversary, I feel the need to give my own opinion about the matter. This video is about how actual pakistani students feel about the tragedy of 9/11. They are all deprived of any information of the event other than the news that our own country provides. All of these students feel that they are being directly discriminated against by the people of America. This is unfair to these people because they had nothing to do with the incident, and should not be subject to these accusations. Although the death of Osama Bin Laden is not enough to rectify the anguish that our people experienced, I feel that we should not be taking everything out on these people just because they are of the same race and religion as the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is an extremist group, and these students and their families are just normal people like you and I. Obviously the whole 9/11 incident has changed the entire structure of the nation, economy, and security systems. Before this tragedy struck in 2001, national security was alot more relaxed than it is today. Now, you cant even bring your own bottle of water onto an airplane because of the airport security measures. Granted, there have been other attempts at terrorism in this country, however because this specific attack greatly affected the entire nation, it is held accountable for George W.Bush starting the war in Iraq. Furthermore, because of this event, the immigration system is tighter than ever before. Many of these immigrants have high hopes of coming to America to leave their old life behind and start a new and brighter life. I feel that many middle eastern people are discriminated because of the actions of Al Qaeda. History always seems to repeat itself... discrimination began with African Americans and moved on to Native Americans to the Chinese and to the Japanese. This cycle of animosity towards specific races is pointless and tiresome. It is evident that the American population was stunned when tragedy struck on that fateful morning, and it made us all realize that we Americans take many things for granted and it is wrong for us to continue doing so. Perhaps the event of 9/11 was the universe's way of telling us as a nation that it is time for us to change our ways. It taught us that we must appreciate what we have and should live life to the fullest. Over the past few years in high school, I have come to learn that all of the bad experiences you have can be looked at in a positive way, and these experiences allow you to grow up and become a stronger person. My point is, is that instead of looking at 9/11 with contempt and hatred towards Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, we should learn from this experience and become stronger though it. I believe that the United States of America is strong enough to be able to push past this catastrophe and grow and benefit from it. I am not saying that this will be easy, but it is necessary if we are to remain as a strong, united country.

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