Sunday, September 11, 2011

[Free] Inspiration

So today I was watching the Women's US Open semi final tennis match between Serena Williams and Caroline Wozniacki. Now this post is not about either of the two players, even if Serena making a huge come back into the tennis world after her year off is very inspirational.

No. This post is about one of the girls that was a "ball kid" during that match. I can't remember her name, but her story is very compelling and inspirational. First of all, I should explain that a ball kid in a tennis match is one of six minors who make sure that there are no tennis balls on the court while the professionals are playing. Anyways, so this girl was a ball kid, and she had a mechanical right leg. The reason that I feel that her story is touching is because she was originally a softball player who broke her leg sliding into second base. Now, I assume that it was a very nasty break because she had to have 37 surgeries on that leg before the doctors decided that they had no choice but to amputate her leg. After she finally got used to using her new leg, she became a ball kid in the US Open.

I don't know how many of you know, but the US Open is one of four "Grand Slam" titles in tennis. As I was watching the match, I saw how skillfully she was able to run using a foreign leg and it just made me realize how great it is that she still hasn't given up on sports and life. Even after a tragedy like that, she was able to make the best out of her situation and that is truly amazing. We all have the ability to make the best out of the worst situations, and obviously this girl has done the same, which is why I find her story very inspirational. My point is, is that we all have the choice every morning when we wake up to decide whether we want to have a good day or a bad day and look on the positive sides of life just as this girl has done.

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