Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE] Things I want to accomplish before the end of the year.

This is a response to Kevin's free post about things he wants to do before he dies. Since I don't know how to do that thing where you can make the letters turn blue so you can click on it, you all get to suffer. (just kidding) Anyways, I think that it is great to set goals for yourself to achieve. So instead of responding with things i want to do before I die, I think I want to talk about things I want to do before the end of Senior Year.

Before the end of this year, I want to...
Know that I have learned many lifelong experiences throughout high school (check)
Feel very comfortable with this blogging thing
Look back at my entire high school career and think of only good memories (even if I really don't think that it is possible)
Feel like a significantly stronger, more mature person
Get into the college of my choice Be able to make the best out of bad situations
Have a more positive attitude towards everything in life
Forgive the people that made high school a nightmare

I know not all of this is going to be possible, but I would still like to try. I think that it is great to set goals to try to achieve. And so I have shared a few of my goals for the end of this year with the world, seeing as this blog is available for everyone to see... I still don't think I am quite comfortable with sharing all of my thoughts with people... yet.

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