Friday, September 9, 2011

[Free] Introduction?

So I am doing this blog for my english class, and it just hit me. I have absolutely nothing on my mind that I feel is interesting enough to write about. So I guess since I have no ideas, I can write a little bit about myself. Where do I begin? My name is Marissa Lee, and I was born on June 13th, 1994 in San Francisco. I have a younger brother named Brian, who is a freshman at Alameda High with all of us. Some of my hobbies include eating, reading, sleeping, playing tennis, and spending time with my friends. I am a senior this year and I have a good feeling that this year I will have even better memories of high school than all of the previous years put together. I have never had a blog before, so I feel like this is a great way for me to learn how to use things like this... *cough cough* Mr. Sutherland. Honestly, I am really stressed out about this year. I still have to get my act together and worry about the SATs and College applications. I think that it is great that we went over some college essays in class because they really helped alot. As this year goes on I really really hope that I end up with no ideas on what to write about... Maybe I'll try my hand at writing short stories. The thing about blogs that I like is that it's an informal way of expressing myself, when before, I was always limited to writing under restrictions whether it be time or word choice. Anyways, I suppose that that is enough about me for now...

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