Friday, September 23, 2011

[FREE] High School...

When I look back on the past few years of high school, I realize that I have grown up so much. I have learned many life long lessons that I will take with me after I graduate. I feel like high school is all about learning about people more than anything else. I mean, yeah, you learn academics, but what you REALLY learn in high school is all about different types people. I remember when we first got to high school as freshmen, there were so many different categories of people. And, as the years went on, we began to sort into those categories. There's goths, jocks, nerds, asians, the populars, the rich kids, and many more.

All of these different categories experience their own fair share of drama. But it's what you take from the drama that you experience that helps you grow as a person. Although all the drama sucks when you go through it, it makes you ALOT stronger in the end. Trust me, I know. The drama is hard to deal with, but it's all a part of growing up which in turn, is a large part of high school.

For me, even though my memories of high school are bittersweet, I will always know that each and every one of those bitter memories has made me a much stronger person. As for the sweet memories, well, I will look back on them and smile. My point is, is that it's always better to see the glass half full rather than half empty, which is why I choose to see my bad experiences in a different light.

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